On Wed 26 April at 19:00 BAAPS Support will be delivering a webinar discussing the risks around Plastic Surgeons offering services as medico-legal experts. Roger Houston and Chris Cloke Browne own an insurance broker that focusses on the healthcare sector.
During the discussion, after the presentation, Chris & Roger will candidly answer all questions about claims and indemnity.
"We see a deteriorating claims environment for cosmetic surgeons and we understand this is putting some off private practice. One remedy is for the medical profession to be a supportive profession and for colleagues to offer supportive breach of duty reports, where this is appropriate." We view this as an information session and we are here to answer your questions."
They will be happy to field questions on:
- the price of indemnity,
- the providers and types of cover,
- the medico-legal environment, and
- how to run a robust practice that avoids claims.

Roger Houston Chris Cloke Browne
Organised by: BAAPS Team of BAAPS Support
Phone Number: 02074301840