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2025 Webinar Series*

1. Plan, Design, Build: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Private Clinic
Wednesday 29th January 2025 2024 from 7 - 8pm   
With HE Interiors 

Register now!


2024 Webinar Series*

1. Medico-legal Case Handling 
Wednesday 24 April 2024 2024 from 7 - 8pm     
With Paul Harris  

2. Marketing
Wednesday 22 May 2024 from 7 - 8pm

With Lynne Thomas from Flipside PR  & Jenny Pabila from Niche PR & Marketing Communications

3. Vat and HMRC 
Wednesday 19 June 2024 from 7 - 8.30pm

with Veronica Donnelly, Dr Sophie Shotter & Dr Bessam Farjo 

4. Dealing with an unhappy patient 
Wednesday 10 July 2024 from 7 - 8pm

Postponed! New date coming soon.

5. Incision Indemity: Record Keeping Best Practices

The importance of thorough and accurate documentation in defending against malpractice claims, including the value of clear pre- and post-op photos.

With Joanne Staphnil, Legal Consultant & Rajan Uppal 
Wednesday 23rd October 2024  from 7 - 8pm 


*Recordings available at request.

Please note BAAPS Support is free for BAAPS members to join and membership will give you access to this webinar series free of charge.   Send in your form now to join BAAPS Support.

Please contact Megan on 07713198413 should you wish to access any of the past webinars, or are experiencing any problems logging on to a live webinar. 

We look forward to seeing you at this unique series of educational events presented by BAAPS SUPPORT.