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Welcome to the BAAPS dedicated Patients area. Be safe, be sure - are you looking to find out more about surgery or find a BAAPS surgeon?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much do consultations cost?
  2. Will I meet the surgeon who will be treating me at the consultation?
  3. What are the financial responsibilities of the patient?
  4. Do surgeons specialise in particular treatments?
  5. Do I need to be referred by my General Practitioner?
  6. My General Practitioner is not interested in aesthetic surgery.
  7. I know my GP socially and do not want him to know about an aesthetic operation.
  8. How do we know that a surgeon is fully trained in cosmetic surgery?
  9. How do we know if a surgeon who is not a member of BAAPS is fully trained?
  10. Can any doctor call themselves a cosmetic/aeshetic or plastic surgeon?
  11. How do I complain about a surgeon or a treatment? 
  12. Why use a BAAPS Surgeon 

1. How much do consultations cost?

The total operation cost will be made up of the consultant fee, anaesthetist fee and the clinic/hospital fee which includes your stay in hospital, the facilities of the operating theatre and any other tests which are required.

BAAPS Surgeons will charge a normal consultation fee just like any other specialist. You will be asking for a professional opinion about your problem/need and the surgeon will provide a range of options suitable for you, which may also include surgery not being appropriate. You will find that some of the more commercial clinics that do a lot of advertising do not charge as they are using the consultation to promote their range of treatments.

We strongly believe that aesthetic surgery is not simply a product or service to be promoted and sold without due regard for its long-term impact on the patient. An aesthetic surgery problem will always be a medical problem first and foremost, for which you need an independent professional opinion from a properly trained specialist who will take into account your psychological, functional and aethetic concerns.

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2. Will I meet the surgeon who will be treating me at the consultation?

Yes - you should absolutely meet and be treated by the consultant at your consultation.  BAAPS members always carry out their own consultations with patients and will give you a professional opinion about the suitability of an operation for your your psychological, functional and aethetic concerns.

Counsellors and advisors who carry out consultations in commercial clinics will usually only be able to provide generic information about procedures which is focused on promoting sales of their products, and not on informing patients on their suitability for a procedure or the medical complexities of it.

To read about why to choose a BAAPS Surgeon, click here.

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The cost of surgery involves several charges for the services provided. The total includes fees charged by the surgeon, hospital fees and aesthetic fees. Additional costs may be incurred with the cost of surgical supplies, laboratory tests, investigations and possible outpatient hospital charges, depending on where the surgery is performed. The patient will be responsible for necessary co-payments, deductibles, and charges not covered. The fees charged for the procedure would not include any potential future costs for additional procedures that are elected to have or require in order to revise, optimise, or complete the outcome. Additional costs may occur should complications develop from the surgery. Secondary surgery or hospital day-surgery charges involved with revision surgery will also be the patient's responsibility. In signing the consent for any surgery/procedure, the patient must acknowledge that they have been informed about its risk and consequences and accept responsibility for the clinical decisions that were made along with the financial costs of all future treatments.

It is very important to have realistic expectations in terms of final aesthetic result. 


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4. Do surgeons specialise in particular treatments?

Most BAAPS members regularly carry out procedures on the face, body and breast.   Some surgeons choose to super-specialise in a particular operation, for example facelifting, rhinoplasty or breast aesthetic surgery.
You can select procedures in the ‘Find a Surgeon’ section.

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5. Do I need to be referred by my General Practitioner (GP)?

We recommend that you have the full support of your GP when considering aesthetic surgery.  This ensures that your plastic surgeon has all the information available to them when reviewing your past medical history.  You will also have the opportunity to discuss your functional and psychological concerns with your GP and surgeon. 

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6. My General Practitioner (GP) is not interested in aesthetic surgery.

Your plastic surgeon is likely to recommend that a copy of your correspondence is sent to your GP, to ensure an holistic approach to your healthcare,  taking into account your full past medical history, functional and psychological concerns. The guidelines from the General Medical Council state that a surgeon can carry out an operation without telling your GP, but during this time must take on the full responsibilities of the GP.

We would also advise that you do notify your GP after having any surgery, so that your general medical records can be updated should you need any further care at a later date. Most surgeons can provide you with a letter to pass on to your GP practice.

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7. I know my GP socially and do not want them to know about an aesthetic operation.

This is a relatively exceptional circumstance, but when it does happen the patient should still have access to support from a GP if they want it. In this situation, you can request to see a different GP within your practice by explaining your concerns, each practice will be different but most will be happy for an alternative GP to offer advice and support.

If you choose to go ahead without involving anyone from your GP Practice then you can approach a BAAPS Member directly, as detailed in question 6 above.

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8. How do we know that a surgeon is fully trained in aesthetic surgery?

All surgeons offering aesthetic procedures should have the FRCS (Plast) or European equivalent qualification (EBOPRAS).  To become a BAAPS Member a surgeon must be peer reviewed on their surgical experience, and supported by two current Members who are fully aware of their ability and knowledge in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery.

All BAAPS Members are also listed on the Specialist Register in Plastic Surgery held by the General Medical Council, this list can be accessed here.

The BAAPS also expects its Members to maintain a high standard of training throughout membership by attending regular courses, association meetings, international conventions and follow a Code of Conduct.

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9. How do we know if a surgeon who is not a member of BAAPS is fully trained?

A fully qualified plastic surgeon will be on the Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery with the GMC and should have the FCRS (Plast) or European equivilent qualification. You can check the register here.

Surgeons who are not BAAPS Members may instead be a member of a similar association called BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons). Both BAAPS and BAPRAS are endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons and therefore offer similar reassurance to patients in terms of surgical training, best practice and patient care.

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10. Can any doctor call themselves cosmetic/aesthetic or plastic surgeon?

In theory yes, any doctor could call themselves a cosmetic/aesthetic or Plastic Surgeon without any specific surgical training in this area, but this does not mean they are qualified to carry out the procedures. It is therefore vital to check the credentials of any surgeon you consult before proceeding with any surgery.

The GMC holds a Specialist Register that requires a doctor to have specialist training to be included, and there is an additional Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery and only surgeons fully qualified in aesthetic surgery can be listed here.

11. How do I complain about a surgeon or procedure?

Every hospital or clinic has a complaints procedure which will be available on their website or by asking a member of staff.

Ask the hospital or clinic for a copy of its complaints procedure, which will explain how to proceed. Your first step will normally be to raise the matter (in writing or by speaking to them) with the practitioner (eg the nurse or surgeon concerned).

The Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service publishes a code of practice for private hospitals to adhere to and can advise on complaints. Two documents, one of which has been written in association with the Patients Association, offer a step-by-step guide to making a complaint. Advice can be found here. 

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) is a charity dedicated to patient safety through education and standard setting within the sector but is not a regulator, legal organisation or arbitration service so cannot investigate individual complaints. 

The General Medical Council (GMC) regulates doctors and surgeons, with the authority to withdraw a surgeons' 'fitness to practise'. The GMC provides detailed information about how to make a complaint, when to do so, and who to direct it to. Please see the details here. 

12. Why Choose a BAAPS Surgeon 

Choosing a BAAPS Member for your surgery can provide much needed peace of mind when making this important decision. You can be safe in the knowledge that all Members have been rigorously examined in aesthetic surgery, and have demonstrated the required level of experience and standards before being invited to join the association.

Read more here


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