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BAAPS Support Complaints Service (BSCS)

BAAPS SUpport Complaints Service (bscs)

Running a busy practice presents a number of challenges. BAAPS Support is well placed to help with the common issues that we all face day to day. 

According to a recent survey of members, dealing with patient complaints is the number one issue with which members would like support. 

The BAAPS Support Complaints Service (BSCS) is an option for members who have dealt with a patient complaint on a local level but would like a third-party review. 

BAAPS Support, together with RPC Solicitors, will provide advice following receipt of the patient records and information regarding a patient complaint. 

The cost of this has been kept to an absolute minimum to allow members to use the service whenever they need it. This process can be explained to patients who will feel supported by having this separate avenue outside of the practice.

The BSCS is an extra service that is offered by BAAPS Support and does not replace the medico-legal helpline and cover provided by an indemnity insurer. We recommend that your indemnity company is notified appropriately should you log a complaint.

If you would like to register to become a member of BAAPS Complaints Service, please read the full terms and conditions. You can download the BSCS application form and set up your monthly stripe subscription below:  


Please return the application form to


Why subscribe to the BSCS?

The BSCS is an independent complaints service which aims to help resolve an issue with an unhappy patient after aesthetic surgery. This service is intended to objectively support you as the BAAPS Support member, as well as your patient. 

 How is the BSCS different from other similar services?

It's run by your own society so there are opportunities to support you as the member. This includes speaking to a colleague for advice. Not all unhappy patients wish to progress a complaint and this independent and objective opinion may help avoid escalation of a complaint. 

What are the long-term financial benefits of subscribing to the BSCS?

You will receive a detailed review of your complaint and patient handling from a leading law firm for a reasonable cost.  The review is not binding and is an ‘advice only’ service, but it is objective and independent to reassure both you and your patient. 

Unlike some services there is no obligation to use the advice that has been given. Although using the service is not expected to affect indemnity, it is advised your indemnity provider are informed should you choose to use the service as part of a complaint. 

How can I be sure my submission will be considered fairly?

The BSCS is run by BAAPS Support and reviewed by the BAAPS Support Board. You can raise any concerns by phoning a member of the BAAPS Support Board for advice. 


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  • Individual Consultant Membership  - £30 per month
  • Corporate Membership- up to 10 consultants -£50 per month
  • Corporate Membership- 11-15 consultants -£75 per month