Safety in Surgery
If you’re considering aesthetic surgery it’s vital to get the right advice at the consultation stage. Take time to do your research and don’t be afraid to ask questions, you should never feel rushed into any procedure. You should have at least two consultations prior to your surgery.
All prospective patients should be aware that aesthetic surgery is not without risks, and before going ahead with any type of procedure, no matter how small, it’s important to find out all the facts. Your surgeon should be open and honest about what to expect and any potential complications, they should also be able to provide proof of their qualifications, level of training, and amount of experience in your chosen procedure.
The BAAPS believe that every patient should expect high quality care, and has the right to fully understand every aspect of their surgery from pre-op right through to aftercare, before agreeing to go ahead with any procedure.
What is Aesthetic Surgery?
Aesthetic plastic surgery has the ability to provide profound health, social and psychological benefits to patients. This has been evidenced in multiple scientific studies and is the driver behind the positive stance the BAAPS takes on promoting patient safety and plastic surgeon education in the realm of aesthetic surgery.
For example, abdominoplasty surgery (tummy tuck) addresses in part the separation of abdominal muscles that occurs after pregnancies or weight gain then loss, which in turn has a positive effect on core muscle strength and back pain; breast reduction surgery not only improves the aesthetics of the breast, but also receives shoulder, neck and back pain due to the reduction in weight of the breasts and brow lifting and upper eyelid surgery can improve a patient’s visual fields that can start to be obstructed by the “window shading” caused by a low brow and eyelid skin excess.
Most aesthetic surgery combines a “functional” as well as aesthetic component, and even in situations in which there is no functional change, the impact on a patient’s psychological situation can be life-changing.
Can I get aesthetic surgery on the NHS?
Aesthetic surgery is rarely available through the NHS unless there is an overriding physical reason. Even when aesthetic surgery is available on the NHS, waiting times are usually long.
For this reason, most people will pay to have surgery carried out privately. To find a plastic surgeon to discuss your options, please use the Find A Surgeon Tool here.
Will the NHS help me if something doesn’t go according to plan?
If you have aesthetic surgery privately and it does not go according to plan (for example, it does not give you the result you wanted), the NHS will not help you. However, if you have a serious complication or medical emergency you may be transfered to the NHS for emergency or life-saving treatment.
What is health?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes health as: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
In addition, the WHO sets out the principals behind the provision of healthcare with a clause on psychological health, clause 7: “The extension to all peoples of the benefits of medical, psychological and related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health.”
WHO Constitution
If you are thinking about having plastic surgery, read here
Find out the many benefits of choosing a BAAPS member to carry out your aesthetic surgery.
The key factors to consider before undergoing cosmetic surgery.
Read the following document for guidelines before your surgery

The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) is the independent, not-for-profit, government-mandated organisation that publishes performance and fee information about private doctors and hospitals to help patients and their families make more informed healthcare decisions.
To read more about breast implant safety here.