Ms Nora Frances Nugent MB BCh BAO BMedSci FRCSI(Plast) Eur Dip Hand Surg Cosmetic Surgery Certification in all areas (RCSEng)
Regions: South East
Interests: Aesthetic Genital Surgery, Body surgery, Botulinum toxin injections (Botox), Breast surgery, Eyelid Surgery, Facelifts, Facial Surgery, Gynecomastia (male breast reduction), Lip enhancement, Liposuction, Rhinoplasty and Setting back prominent ears
About me:
Specialist interest in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery, particularly facial and breast surgery. Body contouring and medical aesthetics also offered.
Nora has a particular interest in deep face and necklifting as well as breast asymmetry/congential maldevelopment and secondary breast implant surgery.
Nora's focus is on achieving a natural appearance that enhances or rejuvenates your features and that retains balanced and harmonious proportions.
She will spend time discussing your options and encourage you to consider the best choice for your individual goals and circumstances.
Nora is President of the BAAPS and of ESAPS. She is also a Section Editor and International Ambassador of Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum and an International Editor of Aesthetic Surgery Journal. To find out more about Nora, visit
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The McIndoe Centre
Holtye Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 3EB
United Kingdom
NHS Region: South East
Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Kingswood Road
Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom
NHS Region: South East