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Mr Anthony George Barabas BM, BSc(hons), MRCS(Eng), FRCS(Plast), DipHandSurg (EU/UK)

 Safety Audit returned

Regions: East of England
Interests: Aesthetic Genital Surgery, Body surgery, Botulinum toxin injections (Botox), Breast surgery, Eyelid Surgery, Gynecomastia (male breast reduction), Lip enhancement, Liposuction, Scars and Keloids and Setting back prominent ears

About me:

Clinical interests: Body contouring/weight loss surgery; Cosmetic breast surgery; Facial aesthetic surgery; Skin and skin cancer surgery; General plastic surgery; Hand Surgery; Non-surgical cosmetic treatments.

Academic background: Mr Barabás attended Southampton Medical School, qualifying in 2001. He then spent 18 months at the Royal Brisbane Hospital, Australia, just as the Bali Bombings occurred. His experience in reconstructing the victims of the bombings was the start of his career into Plastic Surgery, and the importance in understanding the aesthetics of the human body.

He trained in the plastic surgery departments at Addenbrooke’s (Cambridge) and the Norfolk and Norwich hospitals between 2004-2007, during which he attained membership to the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Between 2007-2014 he undertook Specialist Higher Surgical Training in Plastic Surgery many world-renown hospitals across London.  Cosmetic surgery attachments were undertaken in London, Australia, Canada and Cape Town, South Africa.

Mr Barabás was awarded Fellowship to the Royal College of Plastic Surgeons in 2011. In 2014 he was entered onto the Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery and started his NHS plastic surgery consultant post at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Cambridgeshire.

He has more than 20 publications, 17 International or National presentations and 3 book chapters, including writing and editing chapters on “Body Contouring” in the Oxford Textbook of Plastic Surgery (including: Thigh lift; Abdominoplasty; Liposuction; Breast augmentation; Breast reduction; arm lift). He has also won 9 prizes in surgery, including the Royal Society of Medicine’s “UK Surgical Trainee of the year” in 2010 for his work on melanoma.


Professional memberships: BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons)

FRCS (Plast) Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of England

British Society of Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) and British Hand Diploma

European Hand Dipoloma (FESSH)

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Hinchingbrooke Hospital
PE29 6NT
United Kingdom
NHS Region: East of England

Phone: 01480847470

Secretary: Heather Pearman (


Main Private

Milton Way,
South Bretton,
United Kingdom
NHS Region: East of England

Phone: 07812123405

Secretary: SarahJane Warboys (
