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Travel Fellowship

The BAAPS awards up to 3 BAAPS Trainee Members Travel Fellowships worth £1,000 annually, submit your nomination below by including your proposal outlining the intended visit, course of study, objectives and send in your supporting CV to by the 1st August 2024

Awards will be given to Trainee member applicants wishing to embark on a project lasting at least 3 weeks and with a definite clinical or research aim. Winners will be announced at the 2024 Annual Conference.

(Recipients may be expected to give a short presentation of their experience at a Regional Aesthetic Training Day)

Apply here 

Travel Fellowship Winners 2023

Congratulations to the Travel Fellowship 2023 Winners who were presented with their certificates by BAAPS President, Marc Pacifico at the BAAPS Annual Conference 2023. 

  • Mr Mohammed Farid (not present)
  • Mr Devvrat Katechia
  • Mr Zhi Yang Ng 



                              Mr Devvrat Katechia                                                                    Mr Zhi Yang Ng