The BAAPS awards the following prizes for winners of the Abstract & Michael Hackett Memorial Prize.
BAAPS Annual Meeting abstracts are submitted each year prior to the Annual Conference. The top scorer on the free paper submissions will be invited to present for the opportunity to win the Hackett Memorial Prize of £500.
The rest of the Abstract contenders will be offered a chance to present their electronic posters within the exhibition space at the Annual Conference, the winner will be awarded a prize of £200 which will be presented at the end of the first day of the conference.
2025 Winners
Congratulations to Mr Theodore Pezas, who was presented with the Michael Hackett Memorial Prize for submission titled Cosmetic Tourism in the United Kingdom: Understanding the patient experience following a decade of complication management at a tertiary plastic surgery unit. Theodore was awarded with £500 and also presented his work to an audience of over 200 Plastic Surgeons at The BAAPS Annual Meeting at the I.E.T London on the 27th September.
Congratulations also goes to winner of the Poster Prize 2024 for his submission, he Hidden Perils of Slimming Shots: Unveiling Adverse Events of Fat Dissolving Injections - A Systematic Review. Dujan was awarded a a prize of £200, with his Abstract digital poster displayed at the Exhibition throughout the Annual Conference.

Hackett Prize Winner, Mr Theodore Pezas Poster Prize Winner, Mr Dujan Bhatti,
Submit your abstract and find out more here.