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baaps 2025 - redefining aesthetics

2 - 3 October 2025
kings place, kings Cross

With thanks to the faculty:
(in alphabetical order)

- Mo Akhavani - London, UK                            - Simon Lee - Bristol, UK
- Aditya Argarwal - India, IAPS                         - Marc Mani - California, USA
- Ernest Azzopardi - Malta                                - Dan Marsh - London, UK
- Medha Bhave - India, IAPS                             - Jordi Mir - Barcelona, Spain
- Steve Cohen - USA                                         - Nora Nugent - Kent, UK
- Charlie Durrant - Portsmouth, UK                   - Cameron Raine - Scotland, UK                  
- Monika Fawzy - London, UK                           - Sandeep Sharma - India, IAPS
- Rajat Gupta - India, IAPS                                  - Alex Verpaele - Belgium
- Amin Kalaaji - Norway                                      - Norman Waterhouse - London, UK
- Craig Layt - Australia

Thursday - 2 October 2025   

08:00                   BAAPS Member AGM

08:30                   Registration

09:00                   Welcome
                                  Nora Nugent 

09:05                   IAPS Presidential Address
                              Sandeep Sharma

09:15                   Differential Approaches in skin types                        

09:30                   Body Contouring

09:45                   My Abdominoplasty Philosophy
                            Jim Murphy      

10:00                   My Abdominoplasty Philosophy
                                Charlie Durrant            

10:15                   The Modern Abdominoplasty
                                Dan Marsh       

10:30                   Extended  and Beyond Abdominoplasty Assessment and Techniques
                            Mo Akhavani   

10:45                   Abdominoplasty

11:00                   Break                 

11:30                   Day Case Abdominoplasty
                           Charlie Durrant            

11:45                   My journey to outpatient, wide awake deep plane face and neck lifts. How I now do it 
                                Simon Lee       

12:00                   Day Case Breast Surgery
                                 Nora Nugent   

12:15                   Day Case Patient Selection
                           Anaesthetist    (TBC)   

12:30                   Day Case Anaesthesia (How to do it)
                           Anaesthetist    (TBC)

12:45                   Lunch                                

14:00                   The Evolution of Facelift Surgery
                            Norman Waterhouse 

14:15                   Deep Plane Facelift
                           Monica Fawzy

14:30                   Brow Lifting Filling and Creativity
                           Steve Cohen   

14:45                   Endoscopic midface lift. How I do it and it’s role in face and periocular rejuvenation
                            Simon Lee       

15:00                   Endo face
                            Marc Mani        

15:15                   Facelifting

15:30                   Face/Brow

15:45                   Headline Sponsor Talk

15:55                   Afternoon Break           

16:30                   Making Breasts More Beautiful with Fat
                           Steve Cohen

16:45                   Breast 2
                           Craig Layt         

17:00                   Breast 3

17:15                   Breast 4
                           Nora Nugent

17:30                   Breast 5
                           Craig Layt
Close Day 1

19:00                   One Marylebone Drinks Reception & Annual Dinner
23:00                  Afterparty – VAULTS, One Marylebone

Day 2                     Friday - 3 October 2025

08:30                   Registration                                    

09:00                   Fat Grafting

09:15                   Lazers In Aesthetic Practice
                            Ernest Azzopardi          

09:30                   The Science Of Fat Grafting
                             Alex Verpaele 

09:45                   Regenerative Fat Grafting
                             Steve Cohen   

10:00                   Facial Rejuvenation With Lazer - How To And When Safe To
                            Ernest Azzopardi          

10:15                   Fat Grafting
                           Amin Kalaaji

10:30                   Avoiding Stigmata Of Facelifts            
                            Marc Mani        

10:45                   Augmentation Of Facelift Results
                            Marc Mani        

11:00                   Hackett Prize Presentation

11:10                   Break

11:40                  MCAS Lift
                          Alex Verpaele 

11:55                   Deep Plane Face, Neck Lift And Beyond
                           Steve Cohen   

12:10                   Endo Brow - Endo Canthopexy
                           Marc Mani        

12:25                   How I Do A Deep Plane Face
                                 Norman Waterhouse 

12:40                   Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
                            Marc Mani        

12:55                   Lunch

14:00                   Breast 1
                                 Craig Layt         

14:15                   Mastopexy - why complicate a simple surgery?
                            Dan Marsh       

14:30                   Fat Grafting In Breast Augmentation
                                 Alex Verpaele 

14:45                   Making Breasts More Beautiful With Fat (?) Duplicate
                            Steve Cohen   

15:00                   Breast 2
                            Craig Layt         

15:15                   BAAPS Prizes & Awards

15:25                   Break 

16:00                   Breast 3

16:15                   Breast 4

16:30                   Breast 1
                           Amin Kalaaji

16:45                   HD Body Lift
                                Jordi Mir

17:00                   Breast 1
                           Nora Nugent   

17:15                   The European Style in HD Lipo: Long Term Results
                           Jordi Mir            

17:30                   Close Programme Day 2    


Saturday 4 October - BAAPS Support Practice Management Day, RCS London